Its January 3, 2022

Well, A LOT has happened since ive written on here with my one entry lol. Honestly I started this blog to have somthing to do and keep my mind going but at the end of the day...I forgot about it :/ It happens. Its because Ive never been a blogger but I also feel that I have a some what intresting and a bit different of a life than #1) most woman and 2)most people from the rest of the United States mainly because im from Louisiana. And yes, Louisiana is like another country in comparison, we are different. So its now January 2022 and I last came on here at the end of Aug 2021. Much has happened. Adventures, moves, jobs, boyfriends, therapy....and of coarse Covid scares in between. I will probaby do a post about whats been going on and then i may post another separate with pictures of previous adventures ive had in between then and now. Just so that this post dosnt become too long- not that anyones reading this lol. SO. on the last week of September I moved out of my rent house, quit my job, & moved back in with my parents temparaly while we fixwed up their old camper for me to live in. I was living in Lafayette, Louisiana since I was 19 years old and im now 34. I quite my job beacause my coworker (my bosses son who was one of the cooks) got caught lieing about taking a covid test at the doctors and test being negative after being exposed to Delta. He lied, we caught him in the lie so we made him get tested the next day and he ended up being negative. The next day I gave my boss my two weeks notice. Was that a bit extreme? Probably. But in my case I had been their for 8 years and this kid never did his job correctly, or all the way, or even good, always left early or just left work mid shift and not teling anyone, did drugs on the job, always asked to leave early or to be off or just didnt show up for weekend shifts while heaven forbit I wanted to take off for a week vacation after not having one for 2-3 years lol. So i said fuck yall and this place. I didnt need that job then nor do i now. SO. I quit and moved back home to Opelousas, Louisiana which is about 20-30 min drive from Lafayette. Stayed with my parents for too long lol but finally got the camper up and running and I am now on my best friends 30 acher farm property between Mire and Church Point. Also at the beginning of September I started going to therapy. I had never been before but it helped me out a lot. I was greatful that there are places whio take actual money as a form of payment because i have what they call "poor peoples" insurance lol. I was able talk about my fears and problems to a stranger but at the same time kinda talk myself into its ok and what not. I started going really because of my breakup. It happened July 2,2021 and the pain and anxiety and lonleness from it all got worse at time went by. Definitly time did not heal any wounds lol. It got so bad that one day I woke up with a heavieness on my chest/lungs. Freaked thinking it was covid i went get tested. I was negative but was checked out more because of the werid lung feeling and told the doctor that I hadnt slept in days also because my heart was pounding. He gave me an EKG and said I either have extrem anxiety or a heart problem and needed a follow up with my doctor (I was at a walk in clinic). When the time came for my follow up with a EKG with my real doctor she literally told me " eh, do you want one? I would have to go find the machine somewhere."......doctors are a bunch of bull shit. Yeah they care all right, thats why they became a doctor right!? LMFAO. I was given some pills to help with the anxiety by the walk in doctor and he said if they help theres prob nothing wrong with my heart. I ended up not going back to any follow ups with my doctor because she just cant be bothered lol. SO, pills and thearpy....really helped. Im very greatful for both. Moving out of Lafayette and quitting my job helped a lot also. By the end of October I decided I needed to visit Fred*. I needed to get it over with and try to move on. So we planned for me to go visit him out at his place which is about one hour away. It was really nice going back and seeing his chickens whom I love, and his place, amd him most of all of coarse. I love it out there, so quiet and peacful. Hes in the woods so theres nothing around except some family that live a bit in front of him. We had a great visit. We made plans for me to visit again in about anohter week and now its Jan and we are offically dating again. Im so happy but I still have anxiety about things. I wont go into detail but im still healing from this summer. Itll be awhile but im trying to be kind to myself. SO. Since moving out to the farm ive had a few fun adventures, went with Fred* to his family xmas which was really nice to be apart of his family and his mom is extremly sweet. Knowing stories about how and what Fred* did when he was younger, his mother is a saint (LOL)! I have to say life is going good as of right now. Ive also been unemployed since september and was trying to get in on weeklys roofing crew. She really wants me as her helper but her boss keeps pushing it aside (rolls eyes) so for now Ill be babysitting the boys for her when shes working. Its not a whole lotta money but its somthing and will make it to wear I dont have to take a resturant job or somethings like that. Very thankful. Well sorry for all of the rambling....buts its not like yall are reading anyway x)


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