Today is 29 degrees on the farm. Tonight (& tomorrow night) I belive will be the coldest well have. Between my little heater and heated blanket Im pretty set with no real heat coming into the camper (& the last freezing temps ive already found all the cracks to fill in). The camper is so old and we had to do fix alot of things with it plus my parents never used it so I figured I may as well not even mess with it. Worst case if I cant handle the cold ill just go to my parents house, their 20min away. I cant (or rather wont) go into the main house because Daisy isnt allowed because Q is allergic to dogs & Daisy isnt use to outdoor dog life. Anyway, heres a pic of my new (but really old) perculator & (the red one) isnt tech a kettle or perc, it just heats water on the stove but anyway, I will be trying them out for making tea on the stove. I will also have to heat some water on the stove to make warm dishwater later. I love the look of both but only need one so I will store the other or just bring which ever one back I like less to my parents. My parents use the perculator (this is a old one and its prob from the camping section in a store) during hurricans when they have no power (our family likes gas for stoves & we use camping propain stoves also)so the perculator is kinda almost a family heirloom & has been used a lot so I will most likely go with the perc even though the red ones cute. So...idk how to start this post & sometimes im not as good with my words as others are but here we go...Im cajun. That means a lot of different things for different people and then most people from Louisiana feel that just because they were born in Louisiana means that their cajun or creloe (thats not true & for anohter post). The cajun life/culture is more or less dieing. Our cajun ancestors came down from Nova Scotia to Louisiana in the 1700's so most things that come out of our culture come from that part in time. Living a old way of life. I want to go back to that. I was born in 1987, so I remember cord phones, before computers, smart phones,& internet (though that was created during this time but it wasnt avalible for most ppl). I use to use a typewritter to write school papers, I played with toys, played outside, and used my imagination unlike kids now whos faces are glued to tablets. My family cooked our food and hunted for our food (and still do, as do I) instead up hitting the drive threw pick up window at Olive Garden or McDonalds. My dad whos from Mamou, Louisiana was born in 1953 & remembers when his granparents got hot water, a toilet in their bathroom (they had a outhouse), & use to help pick cotton with the family when ppl still used their hands and not machines. I want to go back. Ive always said I was born in the wrong time period. I have slowly moved into the starting stages of going back. I moved into a tiny camper thats smaller than most "tiny homes" (although the tiny home is my goal). I do not want a big home to store lots of shit (unless thats a lot of books lol). So the small changes ive made so far have been : moved into a camper, I use propain tanks as my source of cooking & will have to change the tanks out once emptyed (most ppl have hook ups & bills with that), I have a water tank I have to fill up (so same consept, I dont have hook ups/bill for it), I no longer use the microwave thats built into the camper so I use it to store all of my spices & cooking oil (I will not have one in my tiny home), my fridge is way smaller than most ppls in their homes (and Fred dosnt even have one!), I dont use the camper heater but a small plug in home heater, my sewer is hooked up to a tank in the ground so theres no bill for that as well but once full I will have to legally dump it but itll take about 5-6 years to fill. I also do not have internet (I do on my phone) but I can not watch netflix on my laptop atm (sometimes like in the mornings when L & Q are sleeping ive noticed ill catch theres & ill watch some youtube on the "big screen" lol), so last night Weekly & Jon facetimed me & we watched Dances with Wolves (me with a dvd & them on netflix lol)- it was great! I love doing that! I also have a shower but on cold nights or if my water tank is low I will just go to my parents and shower & wash clothes there. These are just a few of things that im doing working on going back. I will always have a few modern things like a phone to keep in contact with family and friends but im also working on not going onto instagram so much which is hard being that im out in the country alone a lot but I kicked facebook a few years back so maybe one day I will with instagram also (but I do like it cause its just pictures). So one day when I get my tiny home ill make it to wear ill have some "modern" things like I do want internet & a washer/dryer, but I wont have a microwave and ive never had a dishwasher. I also want to make it completly off grid for if i ever choose to go off. But yeah, big goals! I was unemplyed for quit longer than planned but just started babysitting Weeklys kids for a few times a week. So im slowly saving a bit of money, just need to find a job that makes more so I can save. Im trying to get onto Weeklys roofing crew. They do pretty damn good and with the lack of bills that I have I would be able to save fast!


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